The Akashic Reminder — 3.12–3.18
The Akashic Records is a database that holds detailed descriptions of every feeling, action, and energetic imprint that has existed across the galaxies, across the universe, across lifetimes. Some mention it as a Library of Memories, The Great Library, or, as the Bible has referred to it: The Book of Life. All are correct.
Located deep within the Heart space of a person, the Akashic Records is a place where information is kept, guarded, and transmitted. It is a database that holds the history of your soul and every decision it has made during its lifespan across millenia. This information does not belong to any one religion, culture, or species. It does not discriminate and it does not judge. Once accessed, the information is channeled through trusted sources (practitioners and otherwise) that would then convey the information exactly as communicated.
Hello, I am Mikaila and I am an Akashic Records Practitioner. If you’d like to know more info on what the Akashic Records are, here is a FAQ page that I wrote explaining all about them. I decided to start a new project in conjunction with the Akashic Records, called The Akashic Reminder. Through this, I will be giving weekly updates and overall news and offerings related to the Akasha! Sidenote: If you have any questions in regard to the Akasha, reply in a comment below and I’ll answer in my next post!
For this post, I’ll be channeling information for the Zodiac signs on what they should expect their upcoming week to look like. This is for the week of: 3/11/24–3/18/24.
Stay tuned for their final remarks at the end!
I am currently offering readings in case you’d like to take a deep dive into your own Akashic Records!
The Question I asked was: What can the Zodiac Signs expect for this week? (Apply to Sun, Moon, and/or Rising only.)
The Records’ Answers are as follows:
For Aries this week, there is a surge of energy being felt by you and being expressed through you. This energy is one of creative empowerment. Where last week, Geminis were experiencing Kundalini activations, this week is for you to experience the same. Some of you will be experiencing Kundalini activations for the first time and this can lead to symptoms of: confusion, headaches, nausea, spine tingling and exhaustion.
For those who have already been activated in this energy, you may start to feel increased sexual energy and a desire to be hugged and loved. You may have symptoms of itchiness, weight fluctuation, and restlessness. For those of you not experiencing this Kundalini activation in this way, you will be experiencing heightened vision. As in, you will start to see clear visions of your future and even that of your acquaintances. We encourage you to share these visions that you have as they will be very useful moving forward.
Many of you will be experiencing deja vu moments that are unexplainable. It may feel as if timelines have shifted, and for many of you, it has. Simply because you’ve been purging for such a long time, you are getting a jumpstart into a new beginning. Overall, we suggest watching movies about time travel, watching The Matrix, The Time Traveler’s Wife, and X-Men. We suggest reading the Gemini report for last week. That is all.
For Taurus, this week is filled with savory goodness. What we mean by this is there will be more cravings for sweets and also for savory foods like potatoes and gravy, ramen, chocolate, and fruit snacks. These cravings are coming up because there is an incoming energy of longing for companionship and acceptance that you have not been getting. Last week, you were expressing your anger and this week, you are being called to express your softness.
We know it is an abrupt switch, but you are being called to do so so that you can learn how deeply you can be loved even after you’ve been angry. So allow people to be there for you. Allow people to support you. Allow people to love you in the way that you need to be loved. And don’t be afraid to ask for it. We encourage you to do so, actually, as you will receive the love and the support that you are asking for.
This is a good week to outline the kinds of love that you wish to receive from romantic partners, family, and friends. We implore you to really set intentions for it — believing you can have it and believing you deserve it. This week, we suggest writing this down, watching romance shows and movies. Take more time with yourself, slow down. Be more aware of your circumstances and be more aware of what you need. That is all.
Congratulations. You have integrated a very important version of yourself last week and in this week, we are calling you to rest. Now it is your time to take a break. You will find that this week you are a bit more tired than usual and that is okay. Allow yourself to be tired. You will find that you’re more sluggish, more slow moving. And that is because the energy that you have integrated is so potent that you need time to rest so this new energy can ground itself within you.
So for you, this week is a week of leisure, of passive creativity, of lounging, and of laziness. It is okay to be lazy this week. Everything that needs to be done will be done. Take your time with it. You will be fine. This week for Geminis, we suggest reading a book, lying down in bed, wrapping up in thick covers, being still, and daydreaming. That is all.
It is your week to be busy, Cancer. It is your week to be busy, as there is much to be done before the end of the month. Before the eclipse. This week, you will be integrating energies of nervousness, restlessness, jitteriness, activity, and excitement. What this means for you is you have much energy to get things done, but make sure not to overwork yourself as there can be an energetic crash around Thursday or Friday. This is likely to make you feel slumped for the rest of the week.
Also, for Cancer, you may suddenly find yourself in a situation that is uncomfortable to be in. As in, maybe someone addresses a concern with you that you weren’t expecting to hear from them. As a result, you may feel as if you’ve been cornered or blindsided by this. Your reaction to this situation will be important, so be ready.
For Cancer, we suggest listening to Christmas music, drinking hot chocolate, and breathing in very cold air for at least two minutes a day. This will help to calm your nervous system. That is all.
This week for Leos is much different than last, where you were the star of your own show. This one, you may start to feel a bit more secluded and isolated. This is a week for feeling as if you need to recuperate or even lick your wounds. Maybe an event from last week made you uncomfortable, and so you need to regroup and restrategize on how to define your boundaries in a stronger way.
This week for Leos is a lot of replanning and restructuring their lives because they found that something is missing or offbeat. Something has been overdone or gone underappreciated. And so there needs to be this evaluation period to figure out where to go next, who to become next. Leos are experiencing a sort of identity crisis this week.
This week, we suggest looking at yourself in the mirror for at least five minutes a day, hugging yourself for at least seven minutes a day, and writing love letters to yourself. That is all.
Virgos have entered into an interesting dilemma again this week. For you, this dilemma is not necessarily about who you wish to become this time, but rather who do you wish to surround yourself with? Who do you think you should be acquainted with and how do you think these acquaintances would serve your purpose moving forward?
There are a lot of snakes in your backyard, Virgo. There are a lot of snakes. This imagery doesn’t necessarily have to be negative or even frightening. However, for you, this is a symbol signifying your need to clear house to remove those who wish you to stay the same. For you, Virgo, it is important for you to decide what you value moving forward — in a friend, in an acquaintance, in a romantic partnership, and in family.
Be aware of what it is that you value and what it is that would aid you in becoming the most authentic version of self. Yes, snakes can be beneficial, but would you be willing to step into your infested backyard barefoot at night, knowing that they are slithering around? That is the question for you to consider. This week, we suggest watching Deal or No Deal, buying a rose for yourself, and going for a bike ride. That is all.
You are our favorites this week, Libra! This week for you is all about tranquility. Finding your sense of purpose through stillness. Finding what it is that moves you, that gets you up, that makes you want to start your day. That is what this week is about for you.
These past few weeks have been about creating art and honoring yourself in your beauty. This has been setting you up for learning how to decide for yourself through experiencing moments of quiet rather than noise, abrupt shifts, confusion, and disdain that has often littered your life.
Instead of having to make peace, you are being asked to make from the piece. Instead of being the balance, you are being asked to propel yourself forward from the balance. That doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to take action right this moment, but more so, be aware of the need to. This week, we suggest meditation, lavender tea, and chamomile tea. That is all.
You may find yourself craving pretzels this week, Scorpio. There is a need for something salty and a pretzel fits the bill pretty well, so we encourage you to get one if you can. The reason why you have this craving for saltiness is because there is a need for you to be a bit more stern in your life. A bit more off-putting, in a sense.
We don’t necessarily mean that you need to be rude, but to be more demanding, bossy, and dominating. This week, you may find that someone pushes your boundaries a bit too far. They may insult you or create issues where the backlash was unexpected for you.
And with this, there is a need for you to demand to be treated in the way you wish to be. We do not encourage you to be passive in this manner, as this behavior is likely to continue with the more passive you are. And so with that, we encourage you to stand your ground in this. Be brave and be bold because you are deserving of fair treatment, Scorpio. This week, we suggest eating miso soup, drinking more water, and origami. That is all.
“Money, money, money, money, money.”
— For the Love of Money, The O’Jays
For you, this week, you can expect a bit more money through approval of loans, tax refunds, surprise gifts, rebates, and financial opportunity. We suggest putting some aside for your traveling fund later this year, if possible.
For this extra money that you’re receiving, there is a need for you to be more specific of where you want your money to go and how far you want it to go. As in, an itemized budget would be beneficial for you, especially this week. This week is about getting your finances in order for you to set yourself up in the most responsible way moving forward. This week, we suggest going on a picnic, eating watermelon, and wearing green.
“Ain’t no mountain high enough. Ain’t no valley low enough. Ain’t no river wide enough to keep me from getting to you, baby.”
— Ain’t no Mountain High Enough, Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell
This week is a continuance. It’s a continuance of last week in the sense of more expressions of love are incoming. Expressions of love from family, friends, and romantic partnerships can be expected this week. Make sure to open your heart up a bit more and be proactive in expressing this love, as you will receive it in equal amount.
This is a good week for trying to connect with past lovers in the case that you’ve been wanting to do so. This is a good week for setting your intentions for a future lover, and also taking your current relationship into the next level, if desired. This is a good week to connect to your own sense of love through yourself as well, through acts of self-love and self-empowerment. This week, we suggest listening to Sade, wearing pink, and watching romance movies. That is all.
This is a week of heart activations for Aquarius. There is an energy coming through to be activated within you, opening your heart, bursting it open so that you can release what has been blocking you from truly feeling to the depths of your soul.
This week, expect to cry. Expect to be frustrated. Expect to experience every spectrum of emotion in existence in a very short period of time. This is so that you can be well acquainted with your emotions. Aquarians find it easy to remove themselves from situations even though it’s bothered them — and this has been true for you lately.
Aquarians have found themselves to be a bit more aloof than they usually are. So this week it is important for you to start to feel again because the more you start to feel, the less you’ll feel the need to isolate and separate yourself. Right now is not the time for a separation, but for reaching out and connecting.
You’ll find that the more that you try to separate yourself, the sadder you will become, the more depressed you will become, and the less connected you will feel. But the more you actively seek being vulnerable, emotional, and comfortable with those who have expressed an interest in you — whether platonic, romantic, or through acquaintance, you will find a stronger sense of belonging and camaraderie.
These are both feelings that have taken a long time for you to truly feel to the depths of your soul, and this heart activation is coming in to remind you of the person you could become if you were to open yourself up to life. For Aquarians, we suggest watching musicals, playing basketball, and taking a technology break.
Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.
— Nursery Rhyme
Pay attention to your dreams this week, Pisces. As there was a new moon recently, there is a need for you to be more proactive about listening and putting into action the things that you dream about. There is a need for you to heed warning signs that are coming up for you, as well as seek interpretation for the dreams that you have, the visions that you see.
Don’t be afraid to invest in dream interpretations, as they will be something that benefits you very well. This week for Pisces, we suggest painting and organizing. That is all.
Final Remarks
Me: Okay, thank you for that.
Records: You’re welcome, Mikaila.
Me: All right, so for this next section, I would like some final remarks. What energies are we processing collectively and how do they relate to the messages that we’ve received?
Records: This week you are being asked to transmute some of the more painful and worrisome energies into something else, into something that is useful — into something that encourages life rather than takes it, into something that sprouts beauty rather than destroys all existence of it. You are being asked to create where the world wishes to destroy. You are being asked to inspire while another part of the world wishes to instill fear.
Produce freedom to deter from control.
Right now, there is so much confusion on what can be done in the areas that are experiencing extreme loss of humanity and safety and life. And while many of you have made the efforts to alert your governments, direct your governments, plead to your governments to make a stand against loss of human life on such a grand scale, many of the world leaders have not listened to this call.
And as a result, there is a heaviness that is being experienced even in the Western world, far away from any bombings in the Eastern world. There has been reports of death, especially by way of parents — unexpected and swift. There have been many accounts of disappearances of children, teenagers. There have been accounts of media suppression and manipulation. In this upcoming week, it will continue.
Many of you are being asked to help to transmute this energy, this collective grief that has led to so much loss on such a massive scale. That is all to be said for now.
Me: Thank you.
Records: You’re very welcome.
You heard them! That is all. Check back in next week for the next Akashic Reminder! I am currently offering readings in case you’d like to take a deep dive into your own Akashic Records!
As always, thank you for reading. I love you.
mikaila simone | IG: @mikailaisawesome | Liked this? Get a Reading!