What to Expect for the Week According to the Akashic Records‘
The Akashic Records is a database that holds detailed descriptions of every feeling, action, and energetic imprint that has existed across the galaxies, across the universe, across lifetimes. Some mention it as a Library of Memories, The Great Library, or, as the Bible has referred to it: The Book of Life. All are correct.
Located deep within the Heart space of a person, the Akashic Records is a place where information is kept, guarded, and transmitted. It is a database that holds the history of your soul and every decision it has made during its lifespan across millenia. This information does not belong to any one religion, culture, or species. It does not discriminate and it does not judge. Once accessed, the information is channeled through trusted sources (practitioners and otherwise) that would then convey the information exactly as communicated.
Hello, I am Mikaila and I am an Akashic Records Practitioner. If you’d like to know more info on what the Akashic Records are, here is a FAQ page that I wrote explaining all about them. I decided to start a new project in conjunction with the Akashic Records, called The Akashic Reminder. Through this, I will be giving weekly updates and overall news and offerings related to the Akasha! Sidenote: If you have any questions in regard to the Akasha, reply in a comment below and I’ll answer in my next post!
For this post, I’ll be channeling information for the Zodiac signs on what they should expect their upcoming week to look like. This is for the week of: 3/25/24–4/1/24.
Stay tuned for their final remarks at the end!
I am currently offering readings HERE in case you’d like to take a deep dive into your own Akashic Records!
The Question I asked was: What can the Zodiac signs expect for this week coming out of the Eclipse and heading toward a Mercury Retrograde next week? (Apply to Sun, Moon, and/or Rising only.)
The Records’ Answers are as follows:
Aries are the favorite for this week! This past week, they have found ways to rest, but without losing the sense of fire within them. And in this week, they will find they will have a special opportunity to share this spark that lives within them. What we mean by this is there’s likely to be an opportunity to share how passionate they are.
For some, this can be through creative means, but for others, this could be you receiving opportunities to take charge — especially when it comes to projects that were once led by others. So you may find that people leave projects, depart, or even step down and because there is a vacancy, you will be asked to take their place.
For many of you, we urge you to accept this offer as it is an affirmation of the work that you are capable of — even if it feels a bit lofty. We urge you to tap in and access the part of you that is striving for more. For some, this may not happen immediately, but over the coming weeks. But of course, if there are any contracts here that need to be signed, due to the Mercury Retrograde, make sure to revisit it over and over before you finalize this decision.
For those of you who receive opportunities and are hesitant about them, we urge you to take a second look. While some Aries may start to feel excited and even challenged, there are those of you who may feel hesitant — in the sense of questioning whether or not this opportunity is real. And if you feel the need to question, that is an indicator that you should slow down and reevaluate where you are and what is being offered to you.
This week is an important week for decision-making and for both groups of Aries, we urge you not to make decisions in haste. Be observant and be aware. This week we suggest watching Deal or No Deal, playing dominoes, and playing hopscotch. That is all.
Taurus this week may find themselves in a bit of a bind. What we mean by this is Taurus may start to feel a bit lonely and may fall into patterns of connecting with those who aren’t the best for them or do not have their best interests at heart. And so, this bind is born from an inability to protect oneself from engaging in emotional harms, and in doing so, they may find that this emotional harm is directly reflected in their home life.
The more emotional harm they walk toward, the more they see the repercussions of it outside of this decision. Think of it as a ripple effect. You make one decision to ignore your heart or ignore what is best for you, and in turn, it shifts the world around you so that now the world reflects this decision. You may start to see how people treat you as unfortunately as as you have treated yourself this week.
To help to combat this, we suggest leaning on a friend or someone that is trustworthy to confide in. We suggest going on a long walk and eating pizza. Find ways to comfort yourself where you don’t need to engage in this emotional wound in order to feel as if you belong or as if you are cared about. This week, it is important for you to seek areas of care that are outside of the familiar — especially the familiar that has proven itself to be deceitful and unreliable. You are being urged to see past illusions this week. Taurus, embrace the clarity of your sight. That is all.
Geminis will walk with a bit more pep in their step. This isn’t to say that they won’t be tired because many of you will be — especially from the residual energies of the Eclipse and the week before — but more so to say you will feel a bit more focused when it comes to what it is you want for your life.
Many of you have received insights on what is holding you back during this Eclipse, and because of that forewarning, you have decided to make the changes necessary. You have decided to invest in yourself. You have decided to move forward on a project that has been lingering in your mind. You have decided to come back to the drawing board and replan your life — this will be beneficial.
Make sure to try more experimental ways of planning instead of abiding by numbers and time. Think of letters, music, and beats.
Think of your life as a play this week. Give yourself lines, assign characters in roles. Plan out your week in the sense of: “This is how I want to be spoken to” and, “This is how I speak to other people.” Plan your exits and entrances. Think of blocking. Think of changes of scenery. Think of lighting cues, music cues, etc…
You would even benefit from actually writing out this play for this week. And with this, we suggest you focus on ways of relating that helps you to gain the community you seek — that is not only supportive but is willing to invest into you and that will help you to find new ways to invest in yourself.
This week is about performance for you, Gemini. It is about finding ways to entertain yourself and others through your life. The more entertaining your life feels this week, the more you will be set up for next week, especially as the Mercury Retrograde approaches. Allow your character to make mistakes and allow your character to get back up and try again. Allow your character to make jokes and to make amends. Allow your character to receive what was meant for it this week.
For Gemini, we suggest journaling and writing scripts. Also painting and taking pictures. That is all.
Cancer, this week is about learning how to make a home — learning how to make a home that is safe and fulfilling. In the past few weeks, you have been dealing with a bit of emotional turmoil — going back and forth on whether or not you should accept certain behaviors, reliving past memories, etc.
This week, you are focused on creating a home for yourself where you feel safe to express yourself to the fullest. This Eclipse has highlighted areas of your life where your home is lacking — whether this be in decoration, roommates, or family members, where you have been giving or taking too much. It will highlight where you have done house duties, but there is something more to be done. Maybe you are moving.
In many of Cancers’ life, there is a disruption that is occurring for them that is meant to propel them into an energy of: “What is possible for me to do now?” “What is possible for me to accomplish now?” “How do I create a home for myself that extends far beyond what I have thought it could be before?” “How do I create a safe space not only for myself, but one that is welcoming to all of those in my life?” “And how do I create a safe space that rejects those who do not belong in my life?”
In this way, Cancers are also cleaning house as they will find there is a need to kick out members. Some will be telling people to move. Others will be taking it upon themselves to move. Some will be kicking out partners, relatives, and other people that have been taking advantage. And so creating, building, decorating, and establishing a home for yourself this week will be increasingly important as the members of your home — those who you invite in and allow to share with you, share your resources — inform just how much you’re able to enjoy your life, enjoy your existence.
When you allow yourself to associate with those who look down upon you or force you to engage in some unrealistic expectation, you are inviting them into having control over your well-being. Clean house, Cancer. Take care of your house, redecorate. This week we suggest you: move things around, rearrange furniture, and remove reminders of old/failed relationships, as this dormant energy is creating stagnancy. That is all.
You can dance, you can jive. Having the time of your life. See that girl? Watch that scene. Digging the dancing queen.
— “Dancing Queen” by ABBA
After the heaviness of last week, you will start to feel a bit more open to socializing again. Leo, take your time with this, as this week, as much as you will want to party and socialize, it is not necessarily a good week for doing so. There is an increased possibility of mishaps and miscommunication this week as you are approaching the Mercury Retrograde.
Find time to calm down and focus. Find time to connect with yourself when you feel there is a need to socialize with others. Pay attention to the reasons behind it. Are you feeling lonely, Leo? Are you feeling as if no one cares for you? Are you feeling as if the validation you seek has gone ignored and unfulfilled?
This week, though you may feel the need to socialize, there is a need to go inward. There is a need to dive further into what it is that is keeping you from enjoying life on your own. For many of you, there is wounding that is coming up for you, as in — instances where the attention you sought wasn’t paid in the way you expected it to be — where you attracted jealousies or even hatred from those you thought would be friends. Times where your life was flipped upside down because there was an element of disrespect or destabilization that kept you from achieving the next stage in your life.
And so, with all of these different energies coming in to be purged, there is a need to draw inwards so that you not only find the root, but also learn to address it head on. Learn to address the unsatisfactory parts of your life. Learn to give the attention and validation to the versions of yourself you were when you experienced these instances of destabilization.
There is a need for you to slow down and to come to terms with the fact that you are no longer these people, these versions of self. And so your way of relating to the world, especially when you feel lonely, should be allowed to change. We urge you to allow it to change because in this, you will also change. This week for Leos, we suggest dancing — especially alone, watching Mamma Mia, and cooking yourself a special dinner. That is all.
On my own, pretending he’s beside me. All alone, I walk with him till morning. In the darkness, I feel his arms around me. And when I lose my way I close my eyes and he has found me.
— “On My Own” — Les Misérables
This week, Virgo, is a week of melancholy. A week of thinking about past mistakes. Where last week, you were discerning who should stay in your life and who shouldn’t, this week, you are more regretful of the actions that you yourself took against others.
You are realizing the role that you have played in certain relationship failures. And while plenty of you have realized this before, this is more so a reawakening. You will find how certain relationships impacted your value systems, impacted your self-worth, impacted how you were able to earn and keep money. They have impacted your possessions, your ability to attain, and also your ability to let go.
You are deep diving into the memories of past situations where you did not give enough, you did not share yourself enough, you didn’t say enough. And for many, these memories will be haunting. In a sense, it’ll feel as if, as you continue about your week, that there’s something over your shoulder whispering in your ear and reminding you about the time where you argued with a partner when you should have let it go.
And while this isn’t necessarily an energy of punishment, this is more so to say there is a need for honesty when it comes to the roles you have played as well as the roles others have played. There is a victim mentality that is being sprouted within you now and allowing you to see where you are both the victim and the predator. You are both the harmed and the harm, the knife and the wound.
And so this may be an especially hard week for Virgo to come to terms with the fact that they have harmed people, and that they did not do their best, and that they could have been or done better.
We would like to say that this is not your weight to bear alone, as many other signs will be in similar energies of reconciling with their past. And so for you, we urge you to take it easy on yourself. Be aware, but do not use it as a means to attack yourself. For this week, we suggest Virgos watch Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, work on crossword puzzles, and learn new words from a dictionary. That is all.
You are in for a shock this week, Libra. This is because the Eclipse happened in your sign. These shocks can go two ways. The first way, many of you will be selected to compete or to show your expertise in a certain situation. Many of you will be invited to apply for a position, and many of you will be recognized for the efforts that you have put in. And in this recognition, you will be receiving an influx of clientele, followers, increase in attention this week.
This is a reward for the amount of art, creativity, and love you have put into the world over the last few weeks. This is also a reward for remaining equal in your dealings with people. So those who have been paying past debts, providing assistance, and setting boundaries that are proper and healthy will find that they have the chance to experience recognition of the efforts that they have put in.
On the other hand, some Libras will be experiencing some sort of loss. Some will be experiencing it through a pet, family, job, material object, etc. This isn’t to say that this is necessarily a punishment or the result of any negative or distasteful action, but rather — some items, belongings, and people that are currently taking root in your life wish to now leave.
This doesn’t necessarily have to be through death, but more so in a disconnect of communication, running away, or misplacement. Again, we would like to reiterate that this doesn’t necessarily mean that there is some punishment that you will be paying for, but more so a release of objects and people that no longer wish to be in your life. And for this, if you are experiencing this end of this spectrum, we suggest that you really take it easy this week, as well. Find ways to be present with yourself this week. We suggest for Libras to change up their wardrobe, drink ice cold water, and listen to emotional music. That is all.
I wanna dance with somebody. I wanna feel the heat with somebody. I wanna dance with somebody. With somebody who loves me.
— “I Wanna Dance with Somebody” by Whitney Houston
This week, Scorpio, you are yearning for affection. You are asking for someone to be close to you, to cuddle you, to hug you, and to hold you. You are hoping that by asking for this, by allowing yourself to be vulnerable in this way, you are able to connect closer and more authentically. And for some of you, this will help. This will help you to learn to appreciate those who are in your life and giving you the affection that you ask for.
Some of you may experience a health scare this week — as in heart palpitations, nausea, confusion, an ache in their hips or feet. These pains are coming up to be purged because for many of you there is an aversion to being taken care of. And so while some of you are asking to be held and comforted, others of you are avoiding that urge. And when you avoid it, you may start to feel these illnesses being purged through you so that you allow yourself to open up to being welcomed in, cared for, and cared about. This week for Scorpios, we suggest watching Dirty Dancing, watching romantic comedies, and dancing. That is all.
On the magic school bus! Step inside it’s a wilder ride! Come on! Ride on the magic school bus!
— The Magic School Bus Theme Song
This week is a week for learning. For Sagittarius, this is a week of reading, consuming, learning, or teaching a new skill. It is a week of connecting to what it is that you need to grow yourself into a version of self that is aligned with the lifestyle that you have been dreaming about for the past few weeks.
For those of you that made a list of the places that you would like to travel, this is a week of learning about those places, and also learning new skills so that you are able to utilize them in turning a profit to afford these trips. This is greatly encouraged.
This is a week for learning for Sagittarius because since last week, they were making excuses for others, this week, they are combating making excuses for themselves. They have been complacent and unmovable in the sense of — they have known that there is a need to upgrade and up-level on the knowledge that they’ve had, but instead of growing, they have stayed stagnant. And instead of reaching for more, they have allowed themselves to be confined.
And so for this week, Sagittarius is learning how to expand upon their skill set. They are learning to take up space and allowing their knowledge to make room for them. Many Sagittarians will experience instances of people asking for their expertise, their advice, or guidance. And in this, we suggest that when people ask you for this advice, take the time to learn more about that subject as well, because these are subjects that are hinting at what you will be growing into next. For Sagittarius, we suggest playing tic tac toe, playing word puzzles, and reading. That is all.
For the past few weeks, Capricorn has been indulging in their romantic lives. This week, they are likely to find out a secret about their partner or about someone that they have been interested in at some point. This doesn’t necessarily have to be recent, but this could be a relationship that has happened previously.
You will find out a secret that has been kept from you. For many of you, this will be rather unsettling — the secret that you will discover — and for others of you, this will be a bit freeing. For those of you who will be experiencing the exposure of unsettling secrets, these are around the themes of hidden motives, decreased affection, financial instability, lack of loyalty, etc.
For those of you who find these secrets to be freeing, you will learn your partners have been making a gift for you, or they’ve been learning a new skill for you, or that the feelings that they’ve had for you are deeper than you once expected. Again, this is both past and present partners and we urge you not to be paranoid, but to be aware. For Capricorns this week, we suggest refocusing on themselves, eating popcorn, and spending time at a park. That is all.
Aquarians this week are finding it difficult to let go. Like many of the other Zodiac signs, they will be feeling a need to reminisce and stay nostalgic. Within the last week, many Aquarians have experienced some sort of disconnection, separation, shock, or disruption in their patterns, in their livelihood. And so this week, they will find that this continues and they are finding a way to navigate this new landscape of uncertainty.
They will be searching for ways to not only ground themselves, but also reel from the things that they have experienced. They will find the need to make amends, but will also find that they don’t have the words to say. They will feel apologetic without being able to articulate why. And so for Aquarians, we urge you to take a dive into yourself and rediscover the roots.
Don’t only look for your apologies, but also look for what has informed this behavior. Where does the root lie? Where has it originated? Because in doing so, this will create more meaning for the apology. But also it will help you to start noticing the patterns that have been happening in your life.
Many Aquarians are experiencing a strong cycle of how they relate to others. An experience of disconnection that they have disregarded. And once this connection has left them, they realize just how much they cared or how much of an important role they have played in repeatedly experiencing this pattern. And so for Aquarians, it’s a bit of a rude awakening of sorts — learning how to navigate this new arena of making amends and also making better decisions.
For Aquarians this week, we suggest putting together a puzzle, arts and crafts, and writing. That is all.
Pisces this week will be experiencing an energy of restlessness. You will feel an inexplicably tired, but also a need to get up and move. You will find that your sleeping pattern has been disrupted a bit this week. Waking up at four and five in the morning, going to sleep at 9am, just to wake back up around 2pm, etc.
Many of you will start to feel as if you are running out of time for a certain project. Maybe you will start to feel as if there has never been enough time for you. And so as a result, many of you will panic or feel frustrated at the lives that you have led thus far. And the reason you are experiencing this — especially since the last few weeks have been rather positive — is because now you are uprooting a past life where you have been wholly dissatisfied in what you accomplished.
Maybe some of you have lived a life where you died early, and so in that life, you weren’t able to fully experience the purpose that you felt you needed to accomplish. Some of you may have lived a life where you were under someone else’s control. And so because of that, you weren’t able to fully spread your wings. And so for this, you are purging a lot of data surrounding not being able to do enough, not being able to trust enough, experience enough, know enough, learn enough, be enough, etc.
And so due to this, you may start to feel restless, uncomfortable, or maybe even a bit of itchiness as well. With this, we urge you to just breathe. Take a step back and refocus. We urge you not to make any hasty decisions — especially in areas where you may feel guilt or shame.
We just suggest that you speak about how you feel, whether it be through writing or through confiding in someone. Speak about what you are feeling now so that you are purging it and effectively removing this past life pattern from your life, from your current life. For Pisces, we suggest hugging a tree, long walks in the forest, and hiking. We also suggest lying by bodies of water and listening to the water flow. That is all.
Final Remarks
Me: Thank you for the information that you have provided.
Records: You’re very welcome, Mikaila.
Me: All right, so for this next part, what are some final remarks for the collective on what they can expect this week? And please include the overall purpose of why so many of us are experiencing these instances of purging. Is there any more detail that you can explain about that?
[There was a lengthy 8 minute pause, which can speak to the need to slow down and fully feel and ground before proceeding this week.]
Records: Yes. The reason so many of you are experiencing emotional upheaval, nostalgia, loss, and or otherwise feelings of melancholy or loneliness is because you are not only integrating energies of lives where these emotions were prevalent, but you are also integrating patterns in your current life where the informing behaviors have led to these feelings, these emotions.
As in, in this life, you may have had an experience where you were repeatedly rejected when you shared the truth of yourself. And in this, you will be experiencing feelings of rejection or feelings of: “Well, maybe I could have been better or done better,” etc.
This purging is to help to remove these experiences, the impact of these experiences — so that as the year progresses, you will be reinstated with energy that helps you to feel as if you can take charge of not only your life, but the environment around you. So that when you are faced in witnessing these injustices that are happening worldwide, that you are more inclined to take physical action rather than only speaking about them or ignoring them.
You are being essentially vibrated out of this feeling of complacency and acceptance of higher modes of control and conformity. And as you are being vibrated out, these emotions, feelings, experiences will be brought up for you to purge and release. And in this, it is also beneficial to utilize these experiences for your creativity, as it will help to inform and influence others to embrace the purging process as well.
It will make it easier to find others that relate to your experience and also those that wish to improve upon their lives as a whole — whether it be through their day to day lives or their lives as it impacts others in a greater scheme of things.
This week’s final remarks are rather short because much of what you need to know has already been channeled. And so with that, we’ll end by saying allow yourself to feel what comes up for you. Feel it. This doesn’t mean to wallow in it or even create a victim of yourself because you’re experiencing this — but more so, feel it to understand what it was like in that situation so that once it releases and removes itself from you, it can go freely.
When you refuse to feel a feeling in its entirety, you keep it, you hold on to it. We urge you to feel the feeling and allow it to be removed from you. And we do not urge you to act on these feelings unless it is to create some aspect of art. We urge you to think before you speak and rethink before you act.
This week leading up to the Retrograde Mercury is one of heightened emotion from all sides, in every perspective. And when you have energies that are in need of processing through self-reflection but you refuse to do so, things can become violent and unnecessarily cruel. Again, allow yourself to feel these feelings, but we do not suggest acting through these or even speaking through these feelings. You can speak about them, but not through them. We wish you well. That is all.
Me: All right, thank you.
Records: You’re very welcome, Mikaila.
You heard them! That is all. Check back in next week for the next Akashic Reminder! I am currently offering readings HERE in case you’d like to take a deep dive into your own Akashic Records!
As always, thank you for reading. I love you.
mikaila simone | IG: @mikailaisawesome | Liked this? Get a Reading!