The Akashic Records is a database that holds detailed descriptions of every feeling, action, and energetic imprint that has existed across the galaxies, across the universe, across lifetimes. Some mention it as a Library of Memories, The Great Library, or, as the Bible has referred to it: The Book of Life. All are correct.
Located deep within the Heart space of a person, the Akashic Records is a place where information is kept, guarded, and transmitted. It is a database that holds the history of your soul and every decision it has made during its lifespan across millenia. This information does not belong to any one religion, culture, or species. It does not discriminate and it does not judge. Once accessed, the information is channeled through trusted sources (practitioners and otherwise) that would then convey the information exactly as communicated.
Hello, I am Mikaila and I am an Akashic Records Practitioner. If you’d like to know more info on what the Akashic Records are, here is a FAQ page that I wrote explaining all about them. I decided to start a new project in conjunction with the Akashic Records, called The Akashic Reminder. Through this, I will be giving weekly updates and overall news and offerings related to the Akasha! Sidenote: If you have any questions in regard to the Akasha, reply in a comment below and I’ll answer in my next post!
For this post, I’ll be channeling information for the Zodiac signs on what they should expect their upcoming week to look like. This is for the week of: 3/5/24–3/11/24.
Stay tuned for their final remarks at the end!
I am currently offering Akashic Records readings in case you’d like to take a deep dive into your own Akashic Records!
The Question I asked was: What can the Zodiac Signs expect for this week? (Apply to Sun, Moon, and/or Rising only.)
The Records’ Answers are as follows:
Aries will find that their week is pretty quickly paced. As in, in a blink of an eye, the entire week ends simply because there is much to do and very little time to do it. You will feel as if you are being rushed from one point to the next…and you are. The equinox is approaching and there is much busy work for you to accomplish.
On the practical side, there is business affairs, work, societal expectations, etc. But on the energetic side, there is much purging that you need to catch up on. This isn’t necessarily to say that this is another week of hardship, but more so to say, “get a move on” when it comes to leaving what you need to leave behind. You already know what it is.
We suggest lighting candles for this week. Also, eating spicy food and drinking hot beverages, such as hot chocolate and tea. We also suggest listening to fast — paced songs and songs with very high energy, such as chanting songs, anthems, headbangers and the like.
For Aries, this week is an opportunity to get done what you need to get done so that by next week you are ready to be seen in a new light. That is all.
Cut my life into pieces. This is my last resort. Suffocation. No breathing. Don’t give a f*** if I cut my arm bleeding.
— “Last Resort”, Papa Roach
This is a week for you to get in touch with your sacred rage, your empowering warrior, Taurus. This is a week for you to throw things at the wall. Be angry. You’ll be frustrated and you should be loud about it. This is a week for you to fully feel your anger at what has been causing you pain, harm, damage, setbacks, confusion, etc.
This past week, you were tired and finding ways to delegate. In this upcoming week, there is a need for you to use your emotional drive to power through. Meaning, when you feel strongly about something, pursue that. That is your sign that whatever needs to be done or expressed in the moment should be.
This sacred anger is allowing you to get back in touch with your action. It is to shake off the rest of the energy of stagnancy that has been accumulating through your tendency to be complacent. Don’t worry, this is not a punishment. But more so, think of it as a firecracker that is being lit for you. Allow yourself to embrace this anger. Enjoy it because it is working for you, not against you.
We suggest running, crying, watching action films, long stretches, and combat classes.
This week, for you, Taurus is the moment when your anger becomes your fuel to live, it becomes your fuel to defend yourself, to make the change you wish to see, and to also demand the apology or the acknowledgment you were meant to receive. That is all.
For Gemini, there is a mystery to be solved this week. You are getting to the bottom of something that has been bubbling up to the surface for quite some time now. What we mean by this is, you are uncovering another version of who you are in the process of becoming. It is a version of yourself that has been hidden from you for a while, for fear of retaliation, of attack, of being shamed or shunned from your family.
For many of you, this is going to come in the form of sacred sexuality. For others, this will come in the form of divine creativity. Though these are two sides of the same coin — mostly intertwining with each other, there is a slight difference in how this will be expressed for Geminis.
For those who are expressing sacred sexuality, your sensual urges will be more palpable, likely giving way to bodily sweats, chills, longings, and even kundalini activations. For those who have already undergone kundalini activations, there will be surges of energy flowing through them. They may start to feel burning sensations in the back, traveling down to their feet and to their hands. For those newly initiated, you may feel dizzy and nauseous in addition to the first aforementioned symptoms.
For those who are going through divine creativity initiations, there will be an increased need for self-expression, for being seen, and for being praised for the creative endeavors you’ve been working on for the past year or so. Many of you will be writers that will receive significant recognition through your blogging websites and speaking channels. Others of you can be receiving opportunities to increase your network or write for a major publication in the coming weeks.
For those that are not writers, expect more ideas to be sprouted within you, to bloom within you. For painters, more ideas of paintings. For singers, more ideas for songs. For dancers, more ideas for new choreography. We encourage you to share these ideas on a platform, as this week is a good week for you to be put in touch with someone who would amplify your talents and your reach for those practices.
For those practicing sacred sexuality, we suggest allowing yourself to fully indulge in this feeling. Allow this feeling to take up all the space in your body. Fully immerse yourself in the full weight of what it feels like to be aroused without a need for release. Again, for this week, we suggest listening to the Shamanic Drums, especially those with roots in Peru, Argentina, and Colombia. That is all.
You are our favorites this week! Give yourselves a hug. These past few weeks have been a bit of a roller coaster for you — from celebrating to experiencing some sort of loss or emotional purging. You have stuck through and stayed strong through all of it and we applaud you.
For you this week, there is a moment of peace and rest. There is not much to worry about unless you want to find something to worry about — in which case, you have every right to do so. This week is about pausing, being cosmically still, basking in the sunlight, taking in the cold, allowing yourself to be fully present in where you are — especially in the aftermath of what has happened in the weeks before. We suggest you embrace this stillness and embrace the fact that you don’t have much of a message for this week. For you, no news is good news. That is all.
She’s a brick house. She’s [feisty, feisty] Just letting it all hang out.
“She’s a Brick House,” Commodores (The original words are “Mighty, Mighty,” but the Records noted the lyric change was important to the message.
There is a spotlight on you this week, Leo. There is a certain gleaming quality about you. You are in the spotlight to become more comfortable with receiving attention and with being known. This week, expect people to call out your name and ask for your number, to compliment you and even take you on a date.
Be aware though, some of this attention you may receive this week is less than optimal and less than comfortable. This is where the feistiness comes in. Have fun and be safe.
This week, we suggest wearing perfume or cologne, getting dressed up, taking yourself out, and treating yourself to dessert. That is all.
For Virgos, this is a week of early blooming. Though this is a season that is opposite to yours, your blooming is indicative of the way you’ve allowed yourself to open to new perspectives and new avenues of being, of existing. This week, you can expect a calmer mind.
Meaning, one that is much nicer to you than it has been previously. You can expect to receive a letter or some sort of correspondence where someone expresses their admiration of you. This week, we suggest journaling and writing letters to people. Also, playing basketball. That is all.
Wow, we are amazed by you, Libra. You are finding ways to become more appealing by the week. Many of you have started to believe in yourself in ways you haven’t before. And by that, we mean you have started to see the fullness of the beauty that you have always exhibited. You are finally recognizing the brightness of your light. We applaud you for that, Libra, that was not an easy feat for you.
We know many of you this week will be continuing the energy of asserting your boundaries and demanding that you are admired or complimented or given privileges for the work you have put in, the art that you have made, or the life that you have led. This week, you are demanding to receive and you will receive it. And even if it isn’t something that you are doing verbally, energetically, you have a very demanding energy this week.
This week, you are not taking any more disrespect. You are standing firm and you are being direct in what you expect and what you won’t tolerate. And in this, you will be rewarded. This week, we suggest painting your nails, listening to love songs, and creating more art. Of course. That is all.
Hallelujah! Scorpio, this week is about getting justice for past transgressions and heartaches that you’ve experienced. The sacrifices that you were expected to make before will be repaid.
And you will be finding new ways to exert your expertise on your personal projects this week. This week, you can expect for people to ask you for advice, especially those that know what you have experienced. We suggest you share that advice with them and even share that advice freely on your platforms. This will be good. That is all.
This week, Sagittarius, is much of the same as last week. So this week you can expect to long for being somewhere else. We suggest you get a map and mark the places that you wish to go.
We also suggest you doing research on the different cultures that you wish to visit and interact with. We also suggest you eating the cuisines, learning to cook the food, learning the language, etc. Otherwise, this week for you is pretty calm. That is all.
This is a good week for love, Capricorn. We haven’t mentioned love very often in these reports that Mikaila has been so graciously channeling. But this is a good week for love for you. This is a good week for you to soften up a bit, for you to become more comfortable with yourself. This is a good week for you to let a little bit of the weight off of your shoulders.
There is nothing for you to prove to yourself or to anyone else this week. Capricorn, this week you can expect to experience an instance of being deeply valued and loved by someone close to you. We suggest eating cake, wearing pink, and giving hugs. That is all.
For Aquarians, this week, you are being asked to dig a little deeper. You are being asked to push a little further when it comes to the relationships that are present in your life. As in, lately, you have been satisfied with hearing “I’m fine” or “Things are good” or “I’ll be okay.”
Normally, we don’t suggest this, but this week for you, we suggest you dig a little deeper and push a little further, especially with those in your life that you express care for. We urge you to ask more questions. We urge you to be more inquisitive as if you’re conducting an investigation.
The reason for this is — it is likely that this week, those around you are feeling as if you don’t care or that you are indifferent to their well-being. And if that is the case, very well. But if it is not, we suggest you start practicing asking more questions and being involved more so that those in your life start to feel as if you care and that you deem them as important.
We suggest this because it is mainly you that is in need of that. It is mainly you that is in need of someone to ask deeper questions to show that they care for you. But if you are not being active in your own approach to do that for other people, how do you expect others to do that for you? For you this week, open yourself up by asking others to. This week we suggest watching Oliver in Company, the cartoon movie. That is all.
He’s got the whole world in his hands.
— A Hymn
For you this week, Pisces, you have the world in your hands. It is your oyster. You have been on a roll lately, Pisces, in the sense that you are allowing yourself to daydream and envision and imagine. You are allowing yourself to visualize your life in ways that you haven’t before.
And even if you have not tapped into that energy yet, you have been going with the flow of your intuition. You have been listening to the whispers that have been popping up in your head or the ideas that have been sparking your interest. And again, we applaud you for that.
So, again, for you, much of the same this week of following your intuition and being guided and rewarded by the universe. This week, we suggest drinking more water, as many of you are dehydrated. You need to be hydrated in order to properly understand and continue to listen to your intuition. And we also suggest pottery. That is all.
Final Remarks
Me: All right. Thank you for that. That was interesting. Do you have a message for the collective? And can you tie in some of the messages from this week so we can fully understand what’s happening?
Records: Yes, Mikaila, we can do that.
This is a week of softer energy for most of you. Almost like a period of rest. Though, for Aries, Taurus, and Gemini, this is not a period of rest necessarily, but a week for them to get more done.
In the grand scheme of things, it is a week of more of the same for most of you. A week of tying up loose ends, learning how enjoy yourself, and learning how to rest.
This is also a week of discovery for many of you, because you are coming to know that previously buried versions of yourself are being activated and initiated right now. This takes time to fully integrate, but the beginnings of these initiations call for you to be soft and patient with yourself. It calls for you to be more bold in the way that you express yourself, and it calls for you to leave things behind so that you are ready to start this integration process.
The “new” versions of yourself are not necessarily new. This energy being integrated and activated within you is essentially codes that are being downloaded into you. These are codes from lives you’ve already lived where these traits originated.
While many of these traits weren’t fully recognized in those lives, NOW is the optimal time for you to embody those traits to their fullest, most aligned extent. Now, as conflicts are raging all over the world, many codes of sacred sexuality, divine creativity, empowering warrior, and cosmic stillness are being activated within you. This is not the time to know why, but more so the time to accept that it is happening for you. You will come to understand why in due time. That is all we have.
Me: Thank you so much.
Records: Of course, Mikaila. You are very welcome.
You heard them! That is all. Check back in next week for the next Akashic Reminder! I am currently offering readings through Mercurious (“Book with Mikaila”) in case you’d like to take a deep dive into your own Akashic Records!
As always, thank you for reading. I love you.
mikaila simone | IG: @mikailaisawesome | Liked this? Get a Reading!