The Akashic Reminder — 8.21–8.28
What to Expect for the Week According to the Akashic Records
The Akashic Records is a database that holds detailed descriptions of every feeling, action, and energetic imprint that has existed across the galaxies, across the universe, and across lifetimes. Some mention it as a Library of Memories, The Great Library, or, as the Bible has referred to it: The Book of Life. All are correct.
Located deep within the Heart space of a person, the Akashic Records is a place where information is kept, guarded, and transmitted. It is a database that holds the history of your soul and every decision it has made during its lifespan across millennia. This information does not belong to any one religion, culture, or species. It does not discriminate and it does not judge. Once accessed, the information is channeled through trusted sources (practitioners and otherwise) that would then convey the information exactly as communicated.
Hello, I am Mikaila and I am an Akashic Records Practitioner. If you’d like to know more info on what the Akashic Records are, here is a FAQ page that I wrote explaining all about them. I decided to start a new project in conjunction with the Akashic Records, called The Akashic Reminder. Through this, I will be giving weekly updates and overall news and offerings related to the Akasha! Sidenote: If you have any questions in regard to the Akasha, reply in a comment below and I’ll answer in my next post!
For this post, I’ll be channeling information for the Zodiac signs on what they should expect their upcoming week to look like. This is for the week of: 8/21/24–8/28/24.
Stay tuned for their final remarks at the end!
I am currently offering readings via my website <click here> in case you’d like to take a deep dive into your own Akashic Records!
The Question I asked was: What can the various zodiac signs expect for the week of August 21st, going into August 28th? (Apply to Sun, Moon, and/or Rising only.)
The Records’ Answers are as follows:
Aries has many final touches and loose ends to tie up this week. They are realizing they’ve overlooked some details that need revisiting, making this the perfect time to address them. This week, Aries may encounter situations where they need to double back and recheck things, possibly due to discovering they’ve missed a crucial piece and aren’t sure where to find it.
This could manifest in small ways — like forgetting a phone on the way to work and needing to turn back to retrieve it, or leaving items behind while grocery shopping — or in larger ways that can become cumbersome. Overall, this week calls for increased self-awareness, especially when moving quickly or transitioning from one project to the next. Paying closer attention to details and slowing down will be of great benefit. The key message for Aries this week is to move slower and pay more attention.
For Aries this week, we suggest avoiding caffeine and eating more vegetables. That is all.
This week, Taurus is on a mission of self-discovery, exploring whether they have the grit, the wherewithal, and the passionate determination to accomplish a particular task. As it often happens, Taurus may find themselves divided into two groups: one group that is able to hyper-focus on a project, bringing it to fruition beautifully with exciting and acceptable results, and another group that starts strong but loses momentum midway through.
This loss of momentum isn’t due to external blockages but stems from a growing sense of self-doubt. The experiences of Taurus this week will be shaped by their belief in their own capabilities rather than by any outside influences. In this way, Taurus will learn just how much they truly matter to themselves and whether they have the strength and drive to see a project through to completion.
For Taurus this week, we suggest drinking lemonade, making iced tea, and grounding. That is all.
This week is quite busy for Geminis, with many things vying for their attention. Multiple conversations, priorities, and avenues to showcase their expertise will demand their focus. Geminis may find themselves in the spotlight, asked to share their knowledge in various fields, provide advice, or engage in social activities. As they navigate this week, they may feel like the main character in their own story, especially as they move toward the beginning of September.
It’s crucial for Geminis to prioritize, breathe, and take things slowly, as rushing through the week may lead to confusion and frustration. However, if they approach the week with the mindset of a social butterfly, allowing themselves to be free and non-committal, they are likely to end the week on a happier note. This is not a week to be too serious, Gemini. Instead, focus on bringing lightness to your surroundings with your presence.
For this week, we suggest a change in wardrobe, a change in hairstyle, and writing in a diary or journal. That is all.
Cancers may experience some aches or pains this week, particularly around the ankles and feet, lower back, or shoulders. This discomfort is likely due to the release of intense emotional experiences brought on by the recent full moon in Aquarius.
Cancers are being asked to slow down, not just in pace but also in their emotional processes. It’s important for them to readjust and reconfigure so they don’t feel emotionally burdened as they continue on their path. These aches and pains are being brought up to show you the areas of your body that need to be worked with so that you can release emotion from them. And so if you were to meditate or massage this area, you will find that certain memories of yours come up and as they come up, it is important for you to address these memories. Listen to them, understand them, and release them. This process allows Cancers to let go of unnecessary emotional baggage, freeing their energetic field.
For this week, we suggest getting a massage. That is all.
Leo is likely to feel a bit overwhelmed this week. Over the past week and a half, a few minor and major surprises have cropped up, and this trend is likely to continue. While some of these surprises are exciting, others may be unexpected and even unwanted.
This week, Leos will find themselves navigating a new situation or reality — whether it’s an unexpected visitor, an unplanned houseguest, or a sudden promotion. How Leo responds to these surprises will shape their experience this week. While some surprises may initially seem unwelcome or uncomfortable, finding a way to work with these challenges rather than against them could lead to positive outcomes by the end of the week and into early September. For those ready to embrace surprises, particularly the more positive ones, the week could turn out to be smooth and exciting.
For Leos this week, we suggest buying new pants and indulging in some ice cream. That is all.
Virgo is throwing in the towel this week. Virgo is ready to take a step back, deciding to ease up on overworking and overproducing. This is a wise choice and exactly what they need. Virgos are also choosing to let go of certain aspects of themselves that feel dull or burdensome.
This could include personality traits that others have pointed out, such as being overly critical, nagging, or micromanaging. Virgo is deciding to remove these old traits and replace them with something unique and aligned. Instead of dwelling on things they can’t control, Virgos are learning to focus on what is right in front of them. By throwing in the towel on these old habits, Virgos are essentially welcoming a new chapter in their lives. How long this lasts is completely up to them.
For Virgos this week, we suggest buying new towels and getting rid of the old ones, redecorating a room, and adding some new plants to your home. That is all.
Libra can sense a victory on the horizon. This week, something they’ve wanted for a long time — perhaps even years — feels closer than ever. Libras are likely to experience a moment of realization where they suddenly recognize that their goal is within reach, almost tangible. This is the perfect time for Libras to align themselves more closely with their desires.
Whether it’s something that’s been out of reach due to financial constraints or unavailability, this week offers the ideal opportunity to bring it into their lives. To do so, we suggest that Libras gather as much information as possible about this long-awaited goal. Visualize it in your hands, imagine how it would feel to achieve it, and clarify exactly what you want and don’t want. The clearer your vision, the easier it will be to manifest your desire.
For Libras, the experience of attracting something they’ve been longing for is likely to feel both rewarding and a bit daunting, as it may come swiftly and without the usual obstacles that have been obstructing Libra’s view.
This week, we suggest practicing visualization techniques and writing down exactly what you want in as much detail as possible. That is all.
Scorpio may feel like they’re in the hot seat this week due to a situation where their words have been misconstrued — in a harsh and unforgiving manner. Many Scorpios will find themselves needing to defend their integrity against accusations or misunderstandings. This week, you may have to address what was said, word for word, to those who have questioned your honesty.
But do not worry, Scorpio, as it is likely that you will come out on top regardless of how stressful the situation becomes. Right now, time is in your favor. Favor is in your favor. Through assertiveness, honesty, and openness, you are likely to resolve the issue and be welcomed back without needing to constantly prove yourself. This advice, however, applies to those whose actions have been above board.
For Scorpios this week, we suggest carrying baby wipes, watching where you step, and bringing an extra change of clothes with you. That is all.
Sagittarius is the favorite this week, not because of any spectacular event occurring for Sagittarius, but due to an infectious optimism that is likely to radiate from them. This contagious positivity will brighten the days of those around you, making you a beacon of light this week, Sagittarius.
Embrace this energy fully. Throughout the week, you may find that your optimism brings new opportunities or privileges that you didn’t expect. This is an excellent time to let your Jupiterian nature shine as brightly as possible.
For Sagittarius this week, we suggest spending time in the sun, buying shades, and wearing sunscreen. That is all.
Capricorn may have a bit of an attitude this week, which isn’t unusual, but this time it’s focused on broken or unfulfilled promises. These could be promises you made or ones made to you. As a result, Capricorns are likely to face situations where either their feelings are disregarded, or they disregard others’ feelings. This could lead to arguments or the airing of grievances.
Whether you’re on the giving or receiving end, it’s crucial to remain neutral. You can express your thoughts without attacking and listen without being defensive. Regardless of whether you accept the words or the promised change in behavior, remember that you are still in control of your life. Recognizing your power in every situation will help you navigate these conversations and experiences with grace, dignity, and integrity.
For Capricorn this week, we suggest watching Scandal, shows about lawyers, and documentaries about corporate greed. That is all.
Aquarius this week is on a bit of a scavenger hunt, discovering different pieces of a larger mystery that needs solving. This mystery isn’t entirely unfamiliar to Aquarius. Rather, it touches on what Aquarius desires for itself and, on a deeper level, reveals beliefs about what they’ve thought was unattainable due to their own lifestyle thus far.
Aquarius, you’re likely to uncover a belief system this week that has held you back or caused self-sabotaging behavior. As you piece together this puzzle, it will push you toward the root of these issues, helping you find the solution.
For Aquarius this week, we suggest going on an actual scavenger hunt, geocaching, or watching Scooby-Doo. That is all.
Pisces, this week you’re responding to a call that only you can hear. It feels like an invisible string is pulling you in a specific direction, drawing your attention to a particular topic. This week, Pisces are finding that their attention is being drawn to a certain specific topic, and no matter how hard they try to stay focused on their current topic, their mind is drifting away. And so for this week, it is important for Pisces to figure out exactly what it is that is drawing their attention and why.
Understanding this will reveal a new, more aligned, efficient, and lucrative way to accomplish what you’ve already set out to do. For Pisces this week, we suggest keeping your eyes closed so your ears can stay open and this will allow you to pick up what your eyes might overlook.
For Pisces this week, we suggest walking around blindfolded, practicing Breath of Fire exercises, and lying down for fifteen to thirty minutes while staring at the ceiling. That is all.
Final Remarks
Me: Thank you so much for that.
Records: You’re very welcome, Mikaila. Now, we would like to move on to the final thoughts.
Me: Oh, okay. Great.
Records: We have much to say this week.
Me: Alright, I am ready when you are.
Records: We are thrilled that so many of you have been taking the plunge, not only in finding stillness but also in putting yourselves out there more. Many of you have taken the first steps and continued to follow through, step by step. You’ve started seeing yourselves as worthy and capable of holding leadership positions, teaching roles, and other positions where you can be both seen and admired. We encourage you to keep going. Continue to be a light, as this is a pivotal moment for shifting vibrational awareness — not just self-awareness, but also awareness toward the collective need.
Right now, there is a collective need for new leaders, experiences, insights, and information — a need for a new kind of intellect. For the past few months, we have been hinting at this in the Akashic Reminders that Mikaila has so graciously channeled. There is one of many significant shifts occurring now and in the near future. The end of this month, moving into the beginning of September will be crucial for these shifts, where you will see new people taking center stage. But even if you’re not part of this wave, don’t worry — more opportunities are coming. So again, we advise: stay ready so you don’t have to get ready. By staying ready, we mean being still.
We suggest that the collective find ways to take it easy and slow down a bit this week. This week, more than others, is a time when increasingly careless mistakes can happen — mis-sent text messages and emails, misaligned meetings, mistakenly overheard conversations, and so on.
This is the week where any disruption can be a major disruption. Any disruption can be large enough to throw things off kilter. And so again, we suggest moving slowly and paying more attention to what you’re doing, what you’re saying, and who you’re saying it to.
Because if you’re engaging in conversations with so many people that you are often either forgetting what you’re saying or forgetting how you are delivering the information, it is likely that a few of those people are repeating it in a misconstrued manner. So many in the collective are likely to experience this this week, where something they’ve said has been amplified to a point of no return.
So many of you are likely to navigate this week feeling defensive. But we suggest that instead of dwelling in the feeling of being defensive, think of what it would mean if you were to actually be understood. Think of whether or not this person is someone who is capable of understanding you, and if not, we suggest you move on because there is no fixing what is easily understood to people who wish to misunderstand.
This week, the collective may experience confusion, an increase in nausea, body aches, headaches, and feelings of itchiness or restlessness. These sensations arise as you learn to be still and focused, purging the discomfort that comes with stillness. When you’re conditioned to always be on the move, always busy, and constantly taking in information, being still, silent, and aware can be uncomfortable. Many of you may hate it. It may feel as if nothing is moving. For some, it might feel like progress has been paused. But again, we suggest working with this stillness, not against it. Stay focused so that when things start to move again, you’ll know when to act.
For others, things will move forward. Many who have been on a path of self-improvement over the past few months or years will find that they have reached the threshold of a quantum leap, transitioning from one state of being to the next. In doing so, they are accelerating their lives, making it feel as if they are living years ahead of where they once were.
Some of you have already seen glimpses of this and have realized that there is no turning back — you are in a new space now, especially for those of you who have seen financial shifts. If you have been experiencing symptoms of acceleration, such as restlessness, vivid dreams, exhaustion, a need to run or work out but without following through, heart palpitations, or rapid energy movement within the body, you are likely experiencing this quantum leap. The older version of yourself has not been abandoned but upgraded. As you move into this new energy, things will start to shift and move quickly, and by the end of the week, life may feel unfamiliar to you. If not yet physically, then energetically.
For others, there are a few more things to do before reaching this point. So movement may be minorly noticeable even if not fully complete, but do not worry — you are on the right track.
This collective shift is happening in waves: some are being pushed forward, some are being guided forward, and some are being paused. All cannot move at once. If this calls to you and captures your attention, it’s important to figure out which group you belong to. Even if you can’t determine it now, it will soon become clear. For the rest of this week, regardless of your group, we suggest engaging in nostalgic activities. Finding a bit of childlike joy will be greatly beneficial for you, no matter where you stand.
Thank you so much for listening. That is all.
Me: Thank you!
Records: You’re very welcome, Mikaila, as always.
You heard them! That is all. Check back in next week for the next Akashic Reminder! I am currently offering readings via my website in case you’d like to take a deep dive into your own Akashic Records! Stay Tuned for next week. Akashic Reminders are posted on Tuesdays or Wednesdays of each week.
If you’ve read this far, you’re in luck! For the month of August, I’m doing a discount to celebrate the end of Summer. Use Code SUMMER for 15% off select readings now until August 31, 2024.
As always, thank you for reading. I love you.
mikaila simone | IG: @mikailaisawesome | Liked this? Get a Reading!
Thank you for this week’s reminder, I literally added a new towel to my cart last week and seeing this reminder is a confirmation, plus my partner and I have been talking about doing a mini blind-retreat at home for 24hrs. The synchronicities are just mind-blowing. Thank you for lending your energy, love and light ☘️🙏🏼