The Akashic Reminder — 9.5–9.12
What to Expect for the Week According to the Akashic Records
The Akashic Records is a database that holds detailed descriptions of every feeling, action, and energetic imprint that has existed across the galaxies, across the universe, and across lifetimes. Some mention it as a Library of Memories, The Great Library, or, as the Bible has referred to it: The Book of Life. All are correct.
Located deep within the Heart space of a person, the Akashic Records is a place where information is kept, guarded, and transmitted. It is a database that holds the history of your soul and every decision it has made during its lifespan across millennia. This information does not belong to any one religion, culture, or species. It does not discriminate and it does not judge. Once accessed, the information is channeled through trusted sources (practitioners and otherwise) that would then convey the information exactly as communicated.
Hello, I am Mikaila and I am an Akashic Records Practitioner. If you’d like to know more info on what the Akashic Records are, here is a FAQ page that I wrote explaining all about them. I decided to start a new project in conjunction with the Akashic Records, called The Akashic Reminder. Through this, I will be giving weekly updates and overall news and offerings related to the Akasha! Sidenote: If you have any questions in regard to the Akasha, reply in a comment below and I’ll answer in my next post!
For this post, I’ll be channeling information for the Zodiac signs on what they should expect their upcoming week to look like. This is for the week of: 9/5/24–9/12.
Stay tuned for their final remarks at the end!
I am currently offering readings via my website in case you’d like to take a deep dive into your own Akashic Records!
The Question I asked was: What can the various zodiac signs expect for the week of September 5th going into September 12th?
The Records’ Answers are as follows:
This week, Aries is likely to feel a need to keep their head on a swivel. They may find themselves constantly looking over their shoulder, questioning what’s behind them. There’s a lingering sense of suspicion, making them wonder if they’re on the right path. Did they really leave behind a version of self that is no longer necessary for them to carry?
As a result, they may frequently look back, trying to ensure they can continue forward without interruption, disruption, or misalignment. This week brings a crucial realization for Aries: A sense of, are they going in the right direction? Are they choosing the right path? Do they want to stay where they are or retreat to the past? The residual mist of old memories can become a chain, so it’s important for Aries to decide if they want to remain confined.
This week, we suggest Aries try doing a cartwheel, drinking green tea, and eating ice cream. That is all.
Last week’s epiphany has turned into a burden for Taurus this week. While the revelation initially seemed enlightening and beneficial, Taurus is now recognizing how the full realization of the ephinany’s implications has interrupted their growth. Many Taureans had epiphanies that revealed how they’ve sabotaged themselves over and over and over again, and this week they are facing the consequences.
They are realizing how many of their memories have become convoluted — in the sense of lacking in ownership and in responsibility. Instead of taking responsibility for their actions, they have been ruminating on what has been done to them. So, in this sense, this epiphany has been a double-edged sword, creating a pressing need to sort through the mess, find solid ground, and make up for lost time, decisions, and self-awareness.
This week, we suggest Taurus color with crayons, drink chocolate milk (with or without dairy), and eat caramel popcorn. That is all.
Geminis are facing another busy week, but it’s crucial they balance their responsibilities with their energy. Many Geminis may feel the pressure of an impending deadline, prompting them to push harder and increase their workload. However, the solution isn’t necessarily in increasing the workload, but in prioritization.
And so in this, we would suggest finding the projects that will be most impactful and are the most aligned so that in accomplishing your tasks, you can also incorporate periods of rest in between.
For Geminis, we suggest planning, lightening your workload, and resting. That is all.
Cancer this week is likely to find that they are much hungrier than normal, even when they have just eaten and even after feeling full. The reason for this is not necessarily because there is a physical need to eat, but rather that their body is calling for them to make wiser choices for what it is they actually want.
Their body is hungry for a sense of stability, of focus, of drive, of cleansing. And so the more that Cancer engages in these qualities, the more they will find that the hunger subsides and that they feel more satisfied — regardless of how much and what they eat.
And so for this week, for Cancers, we suggest playing Jenga. That is all.
Leo this week is feeling the need to spend and spend recklessly, in an effort to acquire more and more items. On one hand, this impulse can feel like a therapeutic release from the confusion you’ve been experiencing. On the other, this need to accumulate stems from feeling lost or misdirected. In this pursuit of material things, Leo may overlook what they truly need — whether it’s stillness, decluttering, connecting more deeply with someone, or making a physical move to another destination.
Overall, the desire for material possessions is acting as a Band-Aid to cover a deeper yearning. And so we encourage Leo to reflect on whether what they seek outside will truly fulfill them or if it’s best left on the shelf.
So for Leos this week, we suggest taking stock of what you already have, cleaning out your space, planning the month ahead, and reducing your caffeine intake. That is all.
It’s still your birthday month, Virgo, and this week brings heightened scrutiny. The energy you’ve put out over the past few months is being returned to you in strange and uncomfortable ways. You may encounter instances where others feel the need to micromanage, criticize, or try to “fix” you — roles you’re more accustomed to taking on yourself.
And so for this week, when Virgos find themselves in this space of complete and total turning of tables, reactions may feel a bit intense from either the Virgo or those who are micromanaging them. However, it’s important to recognize that you’re in a state of cleansing. Accepting advice or suggestions from those you might usually dismiss could be beneficial. We suggest you try it out.
This week, we suggest a juice cleanse, visiting an animal shelter, and swinging on a swing set. That is all.
Libra is the favorite this week. They’re gaining momentum with personal projects by discovering new ways to experiment and evolve. It’s an ideal time to refresh your wardrobe, shift your appearance, and socialize with new people, allowing yourself to become more of who you truly want to be.
This week is all about self-discovery and self-embodiment. Libras are encouraged to reflect on their life’s journey up to this point and strategize on what comes next. There’s a sense of joy in the present moment, as they finally feel a sense of security and relief from the hard work they’ve put in.
For this week, we suggest indulging in chocolate, taking yourself out to eat, and enjoying a walk outdoors. That is all.
Scorpio is breaking new ground this week, making progress, even if it’s slow and cautious. They are realizing that the ground beneath them is sturdy, that it will no longer fall. However, Scorpios are still testing to see if they can fully trust this stability. Scorpio is testing the waters to see if the water has a shark in it.
This cautious approach might manifest in various ways, such as literally studying bodies of water like oceans or lakes, or figuratively testing the people and environments around them to ensure it’s safe to proceed. Scorpios will ultimately get the answers they seek, but they are encouraged to be more open about their intentions. Instead of testing in secret, being clear about the need for reassurance may yield much better results and greater honesty from others.
This week for Scorpio, we suggest jumping rope. That is all.
Sagittarius is likely to feel a bit antsy this week, with their mind racing in various directions. The reason why is that this week for Sagittarius is one where they need to find something that is mentally stimulating. Sagittarius is likely to realize that this week, the usual television shows, business, job, or daily activity does not draw them or focus their mind in the same way that it has before.
What Sagittarius needs this week is something more mentally engaging. They may realize that they need to read, study, or learn something new. It’s an ideal time for Sagittarius to dive into subjects or skills they’ve always wanted to explore, as their focus is sharper and their ability to retain information is stronger than usual.
For this week, we suggest buying a new book and learning a new skill. That is all.
“I want to be the very best that no one ever was. “
— Gotta Catch ’Em All by Powebank (Pokémon Theme)
Capricorn is challenging themselves to improve. They are pushing themselves further than they thought possible. Capricorns are embarking on a journey of self-improvement that is so extreme, they’re likely to run into moments where they exhaust themselves or reach burnout.
Capricorn should pay much more attention to the efforts that they make and to what it is that they feel they are actually accomplishing. Are you actually getting anything done, or are you finding a different way to sabotage your own progress? This week, they need to reflect on how much progress they’re genuinely capable of achieving.
For Capricorns this week, we suggest watching Scooby-Doo — whether newer or older versions, visiting an antique shop, and sewing. That is all.
Aquarius is being confronted with a side of themselves they thought had been long gone, much like Taurus and Virgo. They are wrestling with the idea of what comes next and what has already passed. They are grappling with the feeling of being discounted and being the underdog.
Because of this, Aquarius is focused on rectifying past mistakes to feel less weighed down by history and more empowered to make necessary changes in their life. However, this process may bring confusion, fogginess, and a lack of clarity as Aquarius tries to decide what they want next. And because of this lack of clarity, they are likely to be flailing, trying to figure out what sticks, and at the same time, becoming frustrated at what doesn’t.
For Aquarius this week, we suggest cleaning their environment, practicing breathing exercises, and doing a juice cleanse. That is all.
There are likely two distinct experiences for Pisces this week. One group of Pisces feels elated, excited for the future, and are filled with a sense of self-assurance — not only in their own path but also in the spiritual guidance they are receiving.
Meanwhile, the other group finds themselves hitting a roadblock so frustrating that they consider quitting or delaying their progress rather than seeking ways to overcome the obstacle.
Regardless of which group Pisces falls into, it is crucial to recognize what has already been accomplished. If it’s been done once, it can be done again — this time with greater purpose and alignment. Figuring out which group you belong to and what it means for your overall development is essential.
For Pisces this week, we suggest gardening, buying flowers, and molding clay. That is all.
Me: Thank you so much.
Records: You are very welcome, as always.
Me: Okay, so do you have any final remarks for the collective this week?
Records: For those of you who have chosen to take control of your life by meditating this week, we applaud your efforts and encourage you to continue. As you will discover, especially this month, meditation will play a crucial role in your journey. The reason we emphasize it so strongly is that this week, in particular, the collective will likely see an increase in misinformation, chaotic events, and distractions vying for your attention. This meditative practice will not only enhance your discernment but also help you release experiences that have kept you from fully realizing a grounded sense of self. And if you remember in previous weeks, we have stressed the heightened importance of discernment already.
As we move deeper into September, there is an even greater need for grounding practices every single day. Whether you achieve this through meditation or another form of grounding doesn’t matter as much as the consistency of the practice. Many of you have been activated, pushed onto certain paths, and this month is ideal for making large, intentional, and impactful strides forward. If you’ve received guidance directly from us, we urge you to follow it closely while continuing to ground and meditate. If you haven’t, that’s perfectly fine — you can find your own guidance through meditation. We, again, suggest meditation sessions lasting at least an hour, with a full commitment to the process. As frustrating as it may feel, by the end of the month, you will understand exactly why we have been so insistent on this for the collective.
For those of you who have revisited your meditative practice, whether consistently or not, we thank you. We encourage you to share your stories about how meditation has impacted and benefited you. These stories are needed now more than ever.
For our creatives, we suggest pushing yourselves to showcase more of your work this week. Share your writing, storytelling, performance skills, etc. This is a great week to do so, as it will help you manage the heavier energies present. Don’t worry about the timing or details— just focus on sharing.
For spiritualists, if you’ve recently experienced a downturn in clientele, we recommend offering services this week that focus on expanding people’s creative abilities. Services aimed at helping others express their creative or sensual sides will benefit both you and the collective. While last week we encouraged services that reconnected people with their communities, this week, helping others tap into their creative processes is going to be what helps drive people into your business.
We hope you take this advice, as well as the suggestion to maintain a consistent meditative practice. We wish you all the best, as your contributions are very much needed right now. That is all.
Me: Thank you for this!
Records: You’re very welcome, Mikaila.
You heard them! That is all. Check back in next week for the next Akashic Reminder! I am currently offering readings via my website in case you’d like to take a deep dive into your own Akashic Records! Stay Tuned for next week. Akashic Reminders are posted on Tuesdays or Wednesdays of each week.
As always, thank you for reading. I love you.
mikaila simone | IG: @mikailaisawesome | Liked this? Get a Reading!